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Au départ/arrivée des cales de Morgat.

Pour la découverte de nos côtes, seul, en famille ou en groupe. Avec des embarcations individuelles ou familiales vous longerez les côtes de la baie de Douarnenez.

Inclus dans votre location :

  • Kayak autovideur et insubmersible et pagaie
  • Shorty isolant individuel
  • Gilet de sauvetage pour chaque personne
  • Bidon étanche par kayak
  • Sac étanche par kayak

Recommandations :

  • Appliquer une protection solaire
  • Le port d’un chapeau ou casquette
  • Respectons l’environnement (pas de déchets dans l’eau ou sur les plages)
  • Ne vous éloignez pas des côtes au-delà de 300 m 




Finnish sauna up to 4 persons with room to rest
25 € per hour a person,
9 € a person additional.

Bath towel for sauna and shower are 7 € a person




By the Qi treatment - a deep process of détente - you attain new vitality, inside peace and calmness. The energy flux is strengthened, more body consciousness is attained and the spirit becomes clear and concentrates.

Cranio-Sacralbalancing is an integrated body work with itself the pains and spannings in the course of the process of treatment can dissolve. The aim of the treatment is a profound regeneration, on physical as well as at psychological level.

• Face and head > 22 € (½ h)              
• Backs and feet > 33 € (¾ h) 
• whole Body > 44 € (1 h) 
• whole Body > 66 € (1 ½)



Come to learn to admit to your everyday life a creative art of the cooking in its entirety.
We cook in the respect for our body and by love of the nature and we use essentially food stemming from biological productions, from fruits and from vegetables of season.

Themes of the courses

Complete and creative cooking of season

In this course, you get acquainted sorts of the most different cereal and their delicious preparation. In touch with dried and slim vegetables of vegetables, you learn to replace the meat in a creative way. The theoretical documents, the experience and the understanding of " we are that one ", the acquired knowledge help you to integrate him into the everyday life for your health.

Breads and cake in flours complétes and salty creams and germinated sprouts.

Here they are the delicious preparations of the prickly, salty and sweet receipts. New ideas, enrich your enjoyments of breakfast, Apéros-, hors d'oeuvre and dessert. You learn to produce germinated seeds.

Indian cooking

Lesépices, flavors and colors invite you in an exotic and delicious world. These new tastes bring an enriching variation in your plan of menu. With the manufacturing of Masalas (mixtures of seasoning of spices), we reach the highlight of the correctness of the different tastes.

Vegetarian sushis

Ideal for summer and in a optimal way to prepare before the guests arrive!
This Japanese menu lets many room for manoeuvre as with Noris (seaweed sheets) and serve them, in a creative way.

Courts of cooking for children and teenagers

Of the simple pleasure in preparer. To invite parents, brothers, sisters and friends. By means of documents, particularly suited for the teenagers, the boys and the girls learn to understand, why it is important to have good and healthy food and, why he is very important to chew well before swallowing our food. It is an assured digestion!

The dance of five elements in the kitchen

In a simple way, you learn, which color and which taste relates to which food and accordingly with which organ. The wood (green, sour), the fire (red, bitter), the earth (yellow, sweet), the metal (white, pricking) and the water (black, salty). These knowledge contribute to a physical, intellectual and psychic balance.

IN ALL THE COURSES You learn the effect of the forms, the colors, the tastes and the energies in our body. The road of the Yin-yang towards the balance.

The peak of every course is the meal in common, defined in a pleasant atmosphere.

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